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Creating Playful Spaces: Invitations to Engage, Discover, and Learn

At Playful Learning, we believe that the physical environment plays a VERY powerful role in the behavior of children. The presentation of simple invitations can inspire children to engage in meaningful activities.

What we love about creating these invitations is that they are easy (you don’t have to tackle that scary closet) and you can use materials and activities that you already have on hand. It helps to think of these invitations as a way to highlight your child’s underused supplies, games or toys. It is amazing how putting together a few thoughtfully selected items on/in a tray, bin, or basket can reawaken a child’s interest.

And, here comes the best part, all you have to do is leave them out for your child to discover. You don’t have to say a thing!

Here are some of our favorite invitations:

Invitation to explore the backyard …

child-size binoculars  | magnifying glass  |  collection jar  |  bug catcher

How Things Work In The Yard by Lisa Campbell Ernst


Invitation to discover a new art material…Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

slate chalkboard  |  blackboard chalk  |  eraser


Invitation to identify a collection of sea shells…

Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

shell collection  | magnifying glass  |  shell guide


Invitation to explore light and shadows…

Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

lantern  |  hand shadow cards


Invitation to write a graphic novel…Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

blank comic book  |  comic template

Art Panels, BAM! Speech Bubbles, POW!: Writing Your Own Graphic Novel by Trisha Sue Speed Shaskan


Invitation to hunt for animal tracks…Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

animal track fundana  | child-size binoculars  | magnifying glass 

Animal Tracks by Tamara Eder


Invitation to sculpt…Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

eco-dough  |  sculpting tools


Invitation to weave…Playful Learning: Invitations to Engage, Explore, and Learn

loom  | loops

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Playful Learning Field Guides

Grab these handy field guides on your way to park or walk around the block. Add a basket for collecting and a magnifying glass for observing you are set for a memorable outdoor adventure