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Home-School Connection

Family Checklist: Balls

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Identifies different types of balls found at home

Open-Ended Explorations
It is Round?

MATHEMATICS: Identify circular objects and understand their characteristics

How Does It Feel?

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Explore the physical properties of objects while developing sensory awareness and building vocabulary

My Ball Walk

LANGUAGE + LITERACY: Take a walk to look for different types of balls and discover how they’re being used

What Do We Wonder About Balls?

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Foster a sense of wonder by asking questions about trees and seeking answers through investigation

Ball Vocabulary Cards

LANGUAGE + LITERACY: Build scientific vocabulary and practice early writing skills while learning how to describe different textures

Types of Balls
My Favorite Ball

LANGUAGE + LITERACY: Encourage language development and writing practice with this open-ended prompt

Ball Three Part Cards

LANGUAGE + LITERACY: Expand vocabulary and support language development while learning about different types of balls

Ball Letter Match

LANGUAGE + LITERACY: Build vocabulary, practice letter formation, and identify beginning letter sounds by matching letters to the correct ball

Ball Sizes

MATHEMATICS: Measure the circumference of different balls to determine which one is bigger

Our Ball Collection

COGNITIVE: Sort and label a collection of balls by various characteristics

Ball Design Challenge

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Explore the design process by creating a ball out of different materials

Balls Bounce
Does it Bounce?

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Predict which balls will bounce and then test those predictions

Bouncing Balls

MATHEMATICS: Develop basic math skills by counting how many times a ball bounces

Letter Bounce

LANGUAGE + LITERACY: Practice letter identification, letter sounds, and handwriting skills by filling in the missing letters

Balls Roll
Does it Roll?

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Predict which balls will roll and then test those predictions

Will it Roll Down the Ramp?

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Explore the concept of rolling and learn about the basic concepts of motion and gravity

How Far Did it Roll?

MATHEMATICS: Measure the distance between the ball and it’s final resting place using non-standard or standard units of measurement

Huff and Puff: Which One Rolled Farther?

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Learn about the concept of force while practicing scientific inquiry skills like making predictions, testing, and collecting data

How People Use Balls
How We Use Balls

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY: Explore different types of balls and the way people use them

1 of 2
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Unit Includes

  • 32 Lessons