Unit Content
Ages 3 to 6: Build vocabulary and phonics skills by identifying letters of the alphabet and connecting the letters to beginning sounds in words
Ages 2 to 6+: Sort a collection of recyclable materials into the following categories: glass, paper, plastic, metal
Ages 2 to 6+: Color the printable to improve fine motor strength and increase focus while also learning how to recognize characteristics of the Earth
Ages 3 to 6+: Count the recyclables and organize the data into a bar graph
Ages 4 to 6+: Develop eco-friendly habits by writing down one way to reduce water, electricity and trash consumption on Earth
Ages 4 to 6+: Draw and write about one way to reduce waste and one way to reuse the Earth's natural resources
Ages 4 to 6+: Draw and write about one way to help the Earth, then share the idea with a friend and take action
Ages 4 to 6: Connect written numerals to a quantity while promoting eco-friendly habits at home and at school
Ages 2 to 6: Increase fine motor strength, inspire creative thinking, and allow time for dramatic play
Ages 2 to 6+: Nurture a sense of gratitude for Planet Earth, and celebrate our natural world, by giving thanks for all she provides us
Ages 2 to 6: Sort a collection of waste into the correct bin based on the material from which each item is made (glass, paper, plastic, metal, organic and e-waste)
Ages 3 to 6+: Find out what happens to recycled materials and identify the new products they often become
Ages 3 to 5: Build visual discrimination skills by recognizing the difference between uppercase E and lowercase e
Ages 2 to 6: Learn the structure of the Earth by sorting a collection of images that represent air, land, and water
Ages 2 to 6: Promote earth consciousness by encouraging children to think about all the ways in which they can protect the Earth
Ages 3 to 6+: Introduce the Three Rs and initiate conversations about how communities and the environment benefit from reducing, reusing, and recycling
Ages 3 to 6: Encourage language development, conversational skills, and writing practice by identifying what makes you a good friend
2 to 6+: Introduce children to composting by determining which items can go in the compost bin and which items are destined for the landfill
Ages 3 to 6+: Promote meaningful conversations focused on how to care for the Earth
Ages 2 to 6: Demonstrate the disastrous effects of an oil spill by and determine which tool does the best job of cleaning it up
Ages 2 to 6: Practice counting, one-to-one correspondence, and identifying quantities on a ten frame while building fine motor skills
Ages 2 to 6+: Repurpose old crayons into something to keep or give away to family and friends
Ages 2 to 6+: Sign the pledge to be a steward of the Earth and a water protector
Ages 4 to 6+: Discuss the importance of protecting our water supply by conducting an experiment to learn how to clean dirty water
Ages 3 to 6: Practice letter identification, letter sounds, and handwriting skills by filling in the missing letters
Ages 3 to 6: Support mathematical skills including counting, cardinality and number formation by writing in the missing numbers from 1-20